音标:[ru:t ˈvedʒitəbl] ;
(马铃薯、胡萝卜等的)根用蔬菜; 根菜类蔬菜
词型变化:名词复数形式 : root vegetables

root vegetable的用法和样例:


  1. Cook, the cook, took the cookbook to cook good root food.库克厨师拿了食谱,煮出好吃的根菜类。
  2. A true yam is a starchy edible root generally imported to the United States from the Caribbean.真正的番薯是指一种可使用的淀粉质根菜类食物,通常从加勒比海输入美国。

34 fruit and vegetables words apple orange banana potato tomato carrot tropical peach grapes leek onion watermelon plum pear stir fry eggplant bitter melon kiwi fruit cabbage lemon pineapple organic strawberry broccoli sweet corn bunch seeds/pips fre

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今天我们要学的词是 root cause。Root cause 根本原因。世界经济论坛说,The lack of competitiveness in Europe is the root cause of financial instability and rising unemployment numbers in the region. 缺乏竞争力是欧洲经济不

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